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Webinar & Conferences



Powered by NEM Leadership Consultants

Focus Region:



Thursday March 28th, 2024

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Welcomeelcome to the Eleventh Edition of the Tech AML (Technical Anti-Money Laundering) series to be held on Thursday March 28th, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre, Port of Spain, Trinidad. The Event will once again be a Hybrid One-Day Conference, to facilitate individuals who are unable to be there in person.

Undoubtedly, we have experienced/witnessed unprecedented disruptions in our environment, especially in the financial services industry landscape. One such disruptor is the advent of Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, fittingly, the theme for Tech AML 2024 is AML…AI The Compliance Disruptor.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the use of machine learning algorithms has catapulted the way compliance risk is managed, and more so how complicated suspicious activities are detected, responded to, and acted upon by the relevant authorities and regulators. Legislators, regulators and stakeholders must be aware of the potential risks through the use of AI by perpetrators, who from all appearances, utilize algorithms tools to commit financial crimes and illicit activities.

The impact of AI on AML Compliance has spurred anti-money laundering guardians to take a more proactive approach to identify complex money laundering patterns and unearth potential and penetrative acts of illicit activities through conventional technological means.

Tech AML 2024…AI The Compliance Disruptor will highlight the impact of AI on the Compliance World and articulate strategic solutions for real time monitoring, detection and deceptive transaction behaviour. Now more than ever, reporting entities, leaders, risk managers and compliance professionals must equip themselves with precision tools to stay ahead of evolving money laundering tactics, invoke AI mechanisms for timely intervention and prevention of illicit financial activities.

Tech AML 2024

“AML...AI The Compliance Disruptor”

Major Topics and Synopsis

AI has disrupted the traditional systems of internal controls on how money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation of financing are managed. Many financial institutions, reporting entities and individuals must therefore rethink their approaches and strategies towards ML/TF/PF vulnerabilities.

    Participants from around the globe will hear from industry experts on emerging technical issues affecting the money laundering and financing of terrorism landscape on topics such as:
  • The Emerging Trends of AI and the impact on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
  • Let’s Talk Solutions…Technology and AI - Are they disruptors or opportunities for growth and risk management?
  • Digital Onboarding – The Risk Based Approach
  • Electronic Money – What are the vulnerabilities and control mechanisms to prevent illicit activities?
  • The changing role of Compliance Officers in a digital environment.
  • The Crossroads – Cybersecurity / GDPR / ESG – Are they mutually exclusive?

Frequently asked questions

  • What about Certificate of Participation?

    Each participant will receive an electronic Certificate of Participation. The certificate of participation is conditional on attending the Hybrid Conference, In-Person or Virtually.

  • What about CPD Credits / Units?

    Most institutions award 1 unit per hour of attendance at conferences. Attendees can use their Certification of Participation towards gaining CPD units to maintain their professional designation. An individualised letter detailing relevant information on the Conference can be provided to assist with verifiable CPD Units.

  • How do I register

    All registration is on an individual basis and is done Online. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to the Registration Portal where you must enter your details. Approval of your registration will be granted once payment is confirmed. Participants must indicate their choice of attendance – either In-Person or Virtual.

  • Access to Conference?

    Access will only be granted upon registration and payment.

    For virtual attendees, the Conference Platform will be launched through proprietary licensed portal using CICSO Webex. Access will be granted individually using your registered email and unique Registration I.D.

    Under no condition should an attendee’s device (laptop, desktop etc.) be hooked up for other persons to view. Once detected, all necessary action will be taken for this violation/infringement.

    For In-Person attendees, the location will be at The Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

  • Can someone else use my Registration I.D. (For Virtual Participants ONLY)?

    No. This is not allowed. Each person must register as an individual whereby a unique Registration ID will be assigned. We urge registrants to keep their login credentials very private. Multiple logins using same Registration ID is NOT accepted. – See infringement clause above.

  • How do I attend the Conference?

    Virtual Attendees - Once registered and fees paid, you will be supplied with login credentials via the email that was used during registration process.

    In-Person Attendees - Once registered and fees paid, you will have to be at The Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

  • Can more than one person view the sessions?

    No. This is not allowed. It is illegal and against the condition of your registration. Registration is on an individual basis. We expect compliance with respect to contract engagement. – See infringement clause above.

  • How long has NEM Leadership Consultants been hosting seminars / conferences?

    This is our 11th Anniversary of the Tech AML series (Technical Anti Money Laundering) Event.

  • Can someone else attend the Free Webinars in place of the Registrant?

    We prefer the Tech AML 2024 attendees to participate in the free webinars. However, special arrangements can be accommodated upon request.

  • How can I become AML Certified?

    NEMLC markets and promotes the Anti-Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA) and the Certified Professional in Anti-Money Laundering (CPAML) offered by FIBA (Financial & International Business Association) in conjunction with Florida International University. To qualify for Discounts for the international programs, send us an email at

  • Cancellation Policy

    Cancellation before February 29th, 2024 will incur a cancellation fee of 50% of the cost of registration. No refund for cancellation after February 29th, 2024. Kindly advise how best we can assist, to ensure that you may attend our TECH AML 2024.


Target Groups

Persons in the following positions, sectors and responsibilities are expected to attend Tech AML 2024

Held Positions:

Persons in Sectors:

Persons Responsible for:

  • Managers
  • Secretary/ Treasurer
  • Supervisors
  • Directors/CEOs/Presidents
  • Executives/Vice Presidents
  • Compliance Officers(Alternates)
  • Risk Officers          
  • Administrative Personnel
  • Accountants
  • Law Enforcement    
  • Attorneys at Law    
  • IT Personnel
  • Auditors /Analyst   
  • Committee Member
  • Human Resource Personnel
  • Regulators
  • Credit Unions
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Brokers
  • Development Banks
  • Trust & Mortgage Companies
  • Motor Companies
  • Securities
  • National Lotteries
  • Attorney at Law
  • Real Estate
  • Accountants
  • National Security
  • Regulators
  • Policy Making
  • Risk Management
  • Business Development / Sustainability
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • AML Training
  • Reporting and SAR filing
  • Law Enforcement
  • AML Risk Management
  • Customer Due Diligence
  • Transaction Monitoring
  • AML Audits
  • Regulatory Oversight
  • Beneficial Ownership

The Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre is in 25 acres of gardens, under 10 minutes from the National Museum & Art Gallery. Queen’s Park Savannah, the Royal Botanic Gardens, and Emperor Valley Zoo are within three kilometers.

Enjoy the Hilton’s outdoor pool with lawn games and tennis courts. Every room features a private balcony.


Senator the Honourable Reginald Armour SC, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs will address the conference on topics such as legislation aimed at fighting white collar crime as well as systems and controls in the fight of emerging issues on data protection, cybercrime, and other applications such as Artificial Intelligence.

Senator the Honourable Reginald Armour SC

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago


Professor Renée Cummings

AI Innovator, AI Governance Advisor, AI Ethicist


Mr. David Schwartz

President and CEO of FIBA


Mr. Stephen Platt
- UK

Founder and CEO KYC360


Mr. Anil Persad
- Trinidad and Tobago

Associate Partner | Cybersecurity and Technology | Risk Lead | EY Caribbean


Dr. Melani Prinsloo
- South Africa

ESG white papers - One of the researchers and authors of two ESG white papers

Mr. Anthony Peyson
- Trinidad and Tobago

ICT Consultant and President of
ISC2 Caribbean Chapter


Mr. Nigel Matthew
- Trinidad and Tobago

Lead Consultant - NEMLC

    Tech AML 2024 Hybrid Conference

    Participants will benefit from:

  • Up and Close with Professor Renée Cummings
  • Individualized Letter to support Verifiable CPD Units
  • Presentations Recording (For limited time on approval from Presenter)
  • Peer Networking
  • Attendance at Free Webinars in 2024 hosted by NEMLC

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