
Client Services


People’s personalities shape the way an organisation behaves and performs. 
For organisational effectiveness, it is of utmost important that leaders / mangers set the tone of organisation behaviour by developing personalities skills and traits in themselves and others conducive to achieve business results and to remain relevant.
An organisation must have a clear understanding of people behavioural traits and how fluctuations in behaviour can impact negatively or positively on business performance.

Our subject areas intervention for the product – Organisational Behaviour


People’s personalities shape the way an organisation behaves and performs. For organisational effectiveness, it is of utmost important that leaders / mangers set the tone of organisation behaviour by developing personalities skills and traits in themselves and others conducive to achieve business results and to remain relevant. An organisation must have a clear understanding of people behavioural traits and how fluctuations in behaviour can impact negatively or positively on business performance.

Our subject areas intervention in Organisational Behaviour Product line: For more information on subject areas in this Product Line, kindly click on the respective Product. • Communication • Problem Solving/ Decision Making • Team Building • Emotional Intelligence • Personal Financial Planning • Social and Business Etiquette • Time Management • Work life Balance


Communication is the key to building positive relationships for the achievement of organizational goals through effectively motivated teams. It is essential that managers understand the importance of effective business communication as a strategic skill to grow and expand their business. Language, media and content must be carefully determined to create awareness, interest, desire and action for your organisation’s products and services – to satisfy both internal and external customers. Don’t underestimate the power of business communication!

Problem Solving/ Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision making go hand in hand for all managers / leaders.

Are problems always evident in all business enterprises?
There are many challenges associated with problem solving:
From do we understand whether there is a problem or do we recognize the reason for the problem or do we actually solve the problem fully or what is the possibility of a reoccurrence of the problem or are we equipped to solve the problem or even do we want to solve the problem?

From experience, there are issues with “process” of problem-solving
  • We partially solve the problem.
  • We solve the problem without removing the reasons for its occurrence.
  • We recognize reasons that are not essential for the occurrence of the problem.
  • We do not see the problem-solving process as a business improvement process.

Let NEMLC train you mangers / leaders on effective pro affect problem solving approaches and techniques, and to allow leaders to constructively used “leadership powers” to solve problems. According to Drucker (1974) “The 1st managerial skill is ... the making of effective decisions” A manager’s value lies in the quality of decisions made/taken; which hinges on the complexity, strategic implications and decision making process. In its simplest sense, decision-making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action/alternatives. In the wider process of problem-solving, decision-making involves choosing between possible solutions to a problem.

For Decisions to be effective, they must:
  • Be capable of being implemented, whether on a personal or organisational level.
  • Solve a particular problem or issue
  • Be able to be made by persons who have the commitment and authority for decision making.

NEMLC will take you through the leadership Decision Making Discourse so that managers and leaders will:

  • 1) Accept that as a leader my responsibility is to make decisions.
  • 2) Avoid the habits of poor decision making.
  • 3) Be awareness of decision making process
  • 4) Understand the hierarchical nature of corporate decision making

Team Building

Without a cohesive team the organization will be dysfunctional. Teaming is essential for an organization to effectively and efficiently achieve its goals. Evidence has shown that organizations with nurture and harmonized teams are more productive and outperformed those without that team spirit.
NEMLC team training intervention is a highly interactive process full of various exercises/games and many surprises!!
Looking for lasting results - Let us help engender team characteristics into your teams.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behaviour and build better relationships across the organisation. Managers who utilize emotional intelligence, together with other management skills can develop a more effective working environment. In recent time, there has been a renewed interest for employees and leaders to be more emotionally intelligent to improve business performance – NEM Leadership Consultants can assist your team with this new skill.

Personal Financial Planning

The Financial Planning and You module is geared towards personal financial development for people who are concerned and interested in effectively managing their finances, while at the same time offering advice and solutions to internal and external stakeholders.. The primary objective of the module is to emphasise the need for individuals to learn how to manage and grow their financial resources - in order to maintain an acceptable standard of living while employed and post retirement. Ideally suited for employees, managers and customers/members/clients.

Social and Business Etiquette

The forgotten skill! As you develop in the work space, social and business etiquette becomes part of your development. Employees and management at all levels must be armed with the social behavioural skills, whether you are interacting with your peers, colleagues, business associates or government officials.

Up-level your corporate value by projecting social behavioural skills that magnifies your potential as fitting the organisation’s image! Let us help you develop your social and business etiquette skills.

Time Management

Learn what, how and when to prioritise. You can achieve great results, minus the fluster and confusion! Don’t let time slip by. Call NEMLC today for your time management training intervention. Time, once lost, cannot be recovered!!

Work life Balance

A key aspect of modern day living is in the aspect of Work Life Balance.

Zig Zigler coined it quite nicely “I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.”

How big a challenge is it for you to achieve work-life balance? Can we really balance work and life?

Your role in Supporting Work-Life Harmony
As leaders, positive “Work life Balance” thinking – treating staff as adults who are balancing their work commitments with their family/personal responsibilities.

Management Training and Development programs for managers should include the benefits of creating work life balance, and how to manage a more flexible workforce. These are just some of the many areas that employers should incorporate work life balance in the work place.

Invite NEMLC to set the tone to train decision makers on:
  • Factors to Encourage Work-Life Harmony from Employees
  • Understanding practical approaches to achieve work-life Harmony.
  • Embracing one’s role as an advocate for work-life Harmony.

Our subject areas intervention for the product - Organisation Behaviour:

More subject area info is available when you click the blue list below.

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving/ Decision Making
  • Team Building
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Personal Financial Planning
  • Social and Business Etiquette
  • Time Management
  • Work Life Balance


Excellent service & support!!
“I am more learnt by the information presented to me as this venture is of great value to the credit union”

Annemarie Sheppard-White
PSCU Credit Union

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Let’s get in touch right now!!

868 222-8928


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